Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) Revealed
What is baking soda?
It is sodium bicarbonate and it neutralizes acids. Its used in cooking, by the medical profession and by natural healers.
The medical profession will use it in an IV form which often happens when the ambulance arrives they insert an IV into your arm or it happens when you get into the hospital. There are many uses but another is when they give chemo treatments to try to neutralize the chemo (acids) they injecting into patients. Interesting right !
Why you ask? What is happening is they are effectively trying to neutralize the acids in your blood stream. In order to stop acidosis of your blood which, if it occurs you have 5 mins and they must get it changed back or there is a strong chance the patient will die from acidosis.
There are many applications for baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) but the net-net for everyone to understand is that it neutralizes acids.
Our body has a built-in bicarbonate system !
The bicarbonate buffer system is an acid-base homeostatic mechanism involving the balance of carbonic acid (H2CO3), bicarbonate ion (HCO−3), and carbon dioxide (CO2) in order to maintain pH in the blood and duodenum, among other tissues, to support proper metabolic function.[1]
The net-net again here is the body is balancing PH in the blood to 7.2 to 7.45 PH Alkaline (Base).
Baking Soda uses?
There are many uses in professional medical applications as well as natural uses. You will see many that claim it can cure the world of just about everything. We understand all the claims because as we have stated the body has a bicarbonate built in system to protect the body from acids. Many believe that since the body uses the built in bicarbonate system then why not use baking soda and ingest it as that would give the same protection/healing benefits?
Our position is simple:
We believe you must be careful and If used that the amounts must be very small and not long term. The pancreas is the gland that creates/controls bicarbonate inside your body and throwing off chemistry inside your body could impact this endocrine gland may cause other issues inside your body. The body's systems are very complicated and throwing chemistry at it can throw off the entire system.
The better way to change your body's chemistry is through changing our diet and using herbals to clean and detox the body. The lymphatic system (toilet) inside your body is what really needs to be cleaned and the best way naturally to do the cleaning is through diet and using herbals to clean and neutralize the acids.
This is a chemistry issue and the best way to alter chemistry is naturally through diet. The acids will get reduced and the health benefits will come naturally as intended.
The net-net here is just don't read something on the internet and use it. We suggest you work with a Certified Detox Specialist as they understand the uses and can guide you to better health choices without the guessing.
Let's review the Lymphatic system which is the better way to naturally correct acidosis inside your body and what is required to correct the PH imbalance.
Why is the Lymphatic system so important?
The Lymphatic System which we discussed on the video has a profound effect on weight/health. It is important that you understand the significance of this PH Scale which we discussed in our video and blog. The body's Lymphatic PH can adversely impact weight and health of the body. The Lymphatic System PH when out of balance is causing health epidemic levels today such as the 150 Million people with weight issues. .
Let's do a quick review that the Lymphatic System basically cleans waste from the blood. There are two basic fluids in the body: Blood which accounts for about 20% and Lymph is about 80%.
Blood is bascially the eater (20% of body's fluids)
The Lymph is the septic cleaner. (80% or body's fluids)
The diet (Standard Diet) that most of us eat today is highly acidic and the human body is not designed to eat such a highly acidic diet. How do we know this is true you ask? We can simply look at the Epidemic health numbers 150 million with weight issues, 120 million with blood pressure, 70 Million intestine issues, 50 million diabetics, 16 million with cancer and millions more with a host of other issues. There is a direct link of how people are eating to the weight and health issues that we are seeing at epidemic levels. We can also look where the body's blood should be from a PH scale which is around 7.2 - 7.45 PH.
Our Lymph system cannot get rid of the amount of acids that are being put into our bodies through diet, drinking, smoking, stress, toxins, etc. Our bodies are basically being burned from acids inside from head to toe. The acidic Lymph juice which is every where inside your body are burning every organ (Kidneys, Thyroid, Etc) Brain, spine, muscles and other tissues inside your body. The acids attack each of us where we are weak in common areas such as (Weight, Blood Pressure) and some not so common areas such as (Stuttering, Bi-Polar, Cancer, etc).
You need to clean out your Lymph system which takes a very specific diet and herbals to assist given that most people are unable to eliminate the acids out of the body. How do we know that's true? Look at the epidemic numbers above for weight and health.
Take charge of your weight/health and get your Bodys' PH rebalanced with our help we will teach you to use very specific diets protocols and herbals. Visit: where we have very specific diet protocols and herbals designed to change your bodys' PH.