The Truth about Exercise Debunked !
Why is Diet more important than Exercise? Exercise: There is nothing wrong with exercise but lets understand what it does and does not do...

The Truth about Weight Loss Revealed !
Why do most diets eventually fail? Diets: Most of these diets do not rebalance the body’s chemistry which is why when you come off them...

Get Your Blood Pressure Under Control Naturally (High or Low).
How many Americans have High or Low blood pressure? About 70 million American adults (29%) have high blood pressure—that’s 1 in every 3...

Why Can't You Keep The Weight Off ?
I decided to search some of those medical sites to get their view on what is causing weight issues and the list below helps sum up some...

What Does Chemistry Have To Do With Our Health/Weight?
How many of us remember that science experiment we all did in junior high using a Petri dish? Well, not worry we will do a walk-through...

Nature's Answer On How Humans Should Eat.
This is the $64,000 dollar question for those of you that remember that show? Where can we look in nature where it tells us how humans...

Heal All Tea: The Rebalancing Of Your Body's Chemistry !
Our diet protocols are the core of what will help your body to become re-balanced but due to the extreme consumption of standard diets...

The Lymphatic System and Your Weight/Health
The Lymphatic System which we discussed on the video has a profound effect on weight/health. It is important that you understand the...

The PH Scale and Your Health.
The PH scale which we discussed on the video is a 14 point scale ranging from 0 to 14 and 7 being neutral which means not an acid or...